28 November 2009

he's leaving me.....

he's no longer with me.....may his soul rest in peace....
R.I.P 27 Nov 2009

21 November 2009


hi....mr as baha and me went for a movie again....astro boy....only one word to describe it....BORINGGGGGGGGGG....huhuhuhuh

19 November 2009


hi...moi writing again....erm...in semester break again..and for first week of cuti semester ni....my fren and i went for a movie....first is the Pisau Cukur Movie... quite entertain kind of movie...worth my RM 8.00....ngegege...(i seldom watch Malay movie huhuhu...and not into movie much...) and just got back froma midnight movie with En As Baha...we watched 2012....erm....for me the story is quite lame.....and can be questionable bit here and there...ngehehe.....and for 2 and a half our movie....it is a long movie dear.....ngeheheheh....for first our i see few people leaving the hall.....bosan kot...ngehehe

15 November 2009

the sartorialist

i just lurve his sense.....urgh....the art of photography and fashion....(just lurve the trench and the classic style of this gurl)

credit to the sartorialist.blogspot.com for the great pic......


my unfinished casual design.....ngehehe.....


hi...have been planed for a few vacation trip during my semester break...but poor me...i have to canceled it due to few problems...urghhhhhhhhh....tensen btul aku,,,,

10 November 2009


yeyyyyyyyyyyyyy...i finished my exam...hurayyy.......

09 November 2009

BZ BZ BZ....exam.......

in cyber cafe....waiting for my final exam...most hated subject...the history....urgh...wish me luck....quite bz with my life...and kemalasan updating my blog...nothing much interesting right now...till then.....doddle dooo.....