18 May 2009


im writing again....
it is a boring weekend i have to faced...urgh.....no where to go...limited amount of money to spend on...
i hate this condition....so....here doing nothing....so i browse my friend dvd box and found wall e DVD....
i know it has been so ages ago this movie had been released....i am so primitive...he he he he....
how lucky i am to watched a great movie with a great/good massage from the movie....the story touched my heart, its make me realize that how cruel we are to the earth...and soon if we don't do anythings to protect it....it will be like what on the movie.........for me it is such a waste for this kind of good movie is not been appreciate.and for those who hasn't watch this movie...i suggest it for you to watch it...ngehehehehe......if u want to la...

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